IoT-enabled household battery distribution via micro-retailer networks
By providing clean energy charging stations to micro-retailers in Senegal can we get smart batteries to low-income households that are currently without electricity?
Data aggregator platform & distributed manufacturing technologies to distribute PPE in Bangladesh
Can a distributed manufacturing ecosystem that aggregates PPE demand from the field and fulfills it through hyper-localised manufacturing deliver PPE to frontline healthcare workers in a quick and efficient manner?
High Tech Solutions for supply chain and distribution
Can Artificial Intelligence strengthen the supply chain of the Public Distribution System in India to address food insecurity?
Portable Benefits and Protection Platform
Can a portable benefits platform that provides protections to ‘gig workers’ in Kenya’s economy protect these workers from economic setbacks?
“Pay-as-you-chill” cold storage solutions in Zambia
Can the provision of a pay-as-you-go cold storage platform reduce food waste and increase financial sustainability and productivity of smallholder farmers and market vendors in Zambia?
Internet of Things (IoT) for a water quality revolution
Can IoT sensors to improve the monitoring of water quality in refugee camps?
Delivering medical supplies with sustained UAV Operations in Malawi
Can a multi-purpose UAV operation in Malawi help realise the impact of UAVs in development and humanitarian contexts in a financially sustainable, long-term manner?
Remote education access in Myanmar
Can mobile learning boxes provide a means to access education for children in Myanmar’s Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camps?
AI-assisted tools to Diagnose TB and Silicosis
Can artificial intelligence be used to accurately diagnose TB and silicosis?
Tracking UK Aid on the Blockchain
Can distributed ledger technology (DLT) be used to track UK Aid payments through the delivery chain to enhance transparency, increase the speed at which money flows to the end recipient, and reduce intermediary costs?
Sexual and Reproductive Health Chatbot
Will access to sex-positive sexual and reproductive health information through a chatbot lead to increased contraceptive usage by the Kenyan youth population?
E-Commerce Platform serving Remote Businesses
Can an ecommerce platform serve rural areas of Nigeria and enable farmers to source agricultural inputs to significantly improve their productivity?
EVs and Mini-Grids
Are electric vehicles the key to unlocking financial success for mini-grids?
Pay-As-You-Go Bikes
Can critical mobility challenges in rural areas of Zambia be solved by allowing people to pay in increments for their bikes?
Low Cost, Low Pollution Motorised Transport in Kigali
Can electric vehicles provide a more profitable alternative for taxi drivers in Kigali, while also reducing the city’s carbon footprint?