Humanitarian Technical Expert/s - Advising on enhancing humanitarian coordination in emergencies with frontier technologies

The Frontier Tech Hub (FT Hub) is looking for (an) Humanitarian consultant(s) with extensive experience in humanitarian coordination in crisis. In particular, we are looking for those with experience of cluster coordination to explore the opportunities for frontier technologies to enable enhanced coordination efforts. The consultant will require excellent research and analysis skills.  

Deadline for applications: 27th January, 08:00am GMT

Image credit: Unfold Stories

The Frontier Tech Hub (FT Hub) has been engaging with FCDO and local stakeholders to explore enhancing humanitarian coordination in emergencies in Ethiopia. The key challenge and focus appears to be the need for more effective cluster coordination.

Currently in Ethiopia, under UNOCHAs support, key delivery stakeholders (Care international, Save the Children, UN agencies, RedCross etc) provide information and data into a sector-cluster databases on a regular basis. This highlights where key delivery organizations are working and what their target response is. Stakeholders have highlighted cluster coordination is limited because data is not ‘live’ enough and the data is not accurate. In addition, humanitarian efforts require a multi-sector approach to enhance response, and currently the data only provides a sector lens as opposed to a multi-sector response.  

Please note this is not a general piece of work exploring a wide range of potential avenues for enhancing humanitarian response - we are less interested in advanced manufacturing, or early warning systems, camp monitoring, etc. - but want to deeply explore the ‘coordination’ efforts (most likely at the cluster level). As part of this, we want to understand the data and information required to enhance coordination in a timely and effective way, and ensure better allocation of resources and planning in crisis in order to reach the needs of end beneficiaries. 


We are keen to explore the opportunities that frontier and emerging technologies can play in enhancing humanitarian coordination in general (across contexts), but with a particular focus or case study approach in Ethiopia.  


We are seeking a Humanitarian specialist to: 

  • Undertake some desktop and qualitative interviews to surface key challenges in effective humanitarian coordination in crisis (with a particular focus on cluster coordination); with a deep dive in Ethiopia 

  • Explore global promising and effective practices of humanitarian response, especially where tech has been an enabler 

  • Identify tech opportunities and specific usecases for the Ethiopia humanitarian context 

Please see the Terms of Reference for a detailed scope of work and requirements here.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis with the application deadline being 27th January 2025 08:00am GMT. Interested applicants should be available to start work immediately. Applicants should submit: 

  • CV(s) of consultants demonstrating relevant experience. 

  • A 1 page cover letter explaining the experience of the consultant(s) relevant to this scope of work. 

  • A high-level technical and financial proposal outlining the approach to the work, timeline, and budget and day rates of consultant(s) and number of days to deliver the scope of work.  

Applications should be sent to with the subject line: "Submission: Advising Frontier Tech Hub on enhancing humanitarian coordination.” 


Edit 15/01/25: This tender has been extended, it is now open for submissions until the 27th January.

Frontier Tech Hub

The Frontier Tech Hub works with UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) staff and global partners to understand the potential for innovative tech in the development context, and then test and scale their ideas.

On the Frontier of Localised Manufacturing


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